Because Google fucked us over on purpose, we devised a way to force Google to turn it's entire global network over to it's worse enemies and let them use Google against them! Suck it Google!

Tulsi Gabbard is suing Google for $50 million after the tech giant suspended her ad account without explanation when she became the top-trending candidate after the first debate (

by oy_stopthehate to news

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Suing Google for 50 Million Dollars for Censoring Her Campaign

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard is Suing Google for 50 Million Dollars for Censoring Her Campaign (

by Himfirst to politics 

Google engineer canned for admitting that Google's algos are extremely and deliberately biased against conservatives.

Google engineer canned for admitting that Google's algos are extremely and deliberately biased against conservatives. (

by tendiesonfloor to technology 

Google makes THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS A DAY in revenue. It will take Google 2 hours to make the $50 Million it costs them to unilaterally veto a presidential candidate.

Google makes THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS A DAY in revenue. It will take Google 2 hours to make the $50 Million it costs them to unilaterally veto a presidential candidate. (

by drharrison to politics

Sergey Brin runs google and was born in communist moscow 1972. Family left as russia refuted communist jews. He IS the Russian interfering in US elections.. (whatever)

by geovoat to whatever

Google Manipulating Search Engine Results To Get Justin Trudeau Re-Elected

Google Manipulating Search Engine Results To Get Justin Trudeau Re-Elected (

by sand_mann to politics